
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Electro!!! or Electra!!!

So, I'm in the shower, empathising with how hard it must be for really large animals like elephants to really get thier feet clean (which is actually wierd becuase i dont think elephants want their feet clean) and i go to turn off the shower and BZZZT!!! i get elector-shocked. I'm like OK... then i go to brush my teeth and BZZZZZZZTTTTTT!! I get electro-schoked again.

but otherwise, i'm ok so i go get dresses and get ready to swipe my card for another day of work.
And then peppercorn, who generally enjoys having me slave away at the computer and gives delicious kicks in my ribs and kidneys is velly velly quite. which gets me worried and combined with the whole arm getting numb and tingly due to electro-shockingness makes me super-worried and i dash off to doctors.

turns out everything is fine but now i'm hoping the baby will get some super-powers - like i dont know - pointing at annoying contractors and zapping them little electrical shocks, or touching the bulb and giving me free electricty? HA - that'll confuse the idiots at relaince.

as of now - peppercorn's coming out into real world name is electro or electra.


At 2/18/2007 11:27:00 PM , Blogger rushes said...

awwwwww...what happened to "Black Dawg" and "Tequila"??!!


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