
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Friday, March 02, 2007

pre-natal classes

I've been going for these pre-natal classes, and they are totally wierd - we are supposed to do these exercises to strengthn our pelvic floor.... now when the lady doctor in a roomfull of very pregnant ladies gets all coy about defining the pelvis, am i not supposed to roll my eyes and grin?

New girl (that would be me): so, what is the pelvic floor
Doctor: umm, where your baby comes out from - the hammock supporting your baby, blah blah
me: so, you mean the vagina right
Doctor: ummm, yes

i'm thinking hello - atleast hald a dozen nurses, technicians and doctor are going to be seeing my woo-woo when peppercorn makes his entrance (yes, i think its a boy, i'm sorrry my darling feminist friends but all the kicking and general bad behavious during ultrasounds has convinced me we have a mini-bratty vikram in-utero) so why cant this doctor say it and take the guesswork out of figuring out what we need to tighten???

not like i could - i never get this whole raising the pelvic floor right!! and my squats arent correct either. and apparently my exhalation and inhalation during mock-labour is not even.... i'm failing pre-natal class - how dumb am i!!!