
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

oh the new house shit starts again

Sooo, finally we have a new place. we put up with crazy brokers trying to convince me a glimmer of the bwsl is a sea-view justifying 5cr for a crummy apaprtment in prabhadevi EAST!!! the whole bloody sea-view is thanks to my 20/20 vision which is thanks to being on a strict watermelon martini diet anyway!!
so many polite denials later, and crummy houses and head-shaking of brokers assistants, sub-broker assistant and helpers later (i swear this one time i went to marathon omega - repeat visit sometime in september and there were 6 brokers accompanying me, selling me vitures of fully furnished apartment madoo style - velvet dark brown printed sofa with stainless steel legs anyone???)
wouldnt you know it - the last place we saw was the one we agreed on - well, not really!!! i sort of bull-dozed husband into it, because seriously - i need a life that doesnt include being tailed by six brokers, sub-brokers and sundry assistants.

then there was the crazy seller to deal with, but we will not talk about those wretched wretched days. better to gaze into your embpty beer mug, and say here - i need a refill!
So on 22nd dece,mber i sold my lovely flat in sangeeta to minal, got a bit teary eyed at the impending seperation from my treehouse gang, and made the joint purchase with husband of the LRT place on 31st dec. happy new year everybpdy... may the new year bring lots of mood-boards, wallpaper dreams and plumbing tiffs to you too. muah


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