Home delivery
Isnt Bombay just great!! I mean I moan and bitch about the ditches and the little bits of what used to be roads all over the city, but especially in Versova. But clever clever vendors have figured that out already by the sight of my lips sying f***er bmc. So Mohamed need not go to the mountain - the mountains they be coming to me!!!
This morning Knock Knock - who's there. Hair. Hair Who? I yem here for your haircut madam. I mean isnt that just plain super - lazy me, who ignores all the dire warnings of the stylists who say, please come in for a cut every six weeks with big ruppee signs where their pupils should be, has managed to get hold of a cool hairstylist who will come over!!
So, today he came and I didnt have the spritzer and he didnt have a spritzer, so he gave me a spiel about my hair having soft lovely texture and not needing a spritzer. I was a bit sceptical, having never had a spritz free haircut before. But off he went, snip snip snip, and mini snips while Amelia in background is screaming mama, no haircut. And There, before you could say bomble+bumble, I had swishy shoulder length hair. Having lost quite a bit of weight, hehehehe, but not to feel too pleased, because at the rate I am compensating my body for its 6weeks of starvation, it will probably all come back soon, but not just yet, I am quite willing to show off my shoulders and neck and loving this clean, hippie hair look. I'm already having visions of playing with the tec ball amd creating textured spiky hair one day and a smooth sophisticated blow out, for cocktails.
But since cocktails and edgy looks dont play a prominent role in my watch baber the elephant every evening life, i'm thinking wash and wear will be most frequented look.
But I love it for now, and I love the home delivery service especially. How cupcakes!! my next mountain.
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