
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

new friends

My frienships are very important to me, which is probably why I've still sticking close to the ones I made 20 years ago.
The girls I went to school with and giggled over New Kids on The Block in the fifth grade, are also the same ones that I went to bars with for free shooters on girls nights in college, and are the same ones who share my illicit passion for Mr. Jimmy Choo. With them by my side, I never felt the need to expand my girlfriend network - we stuck close for a long time. Literally, we lived two blocks away from each other all our growing up years and while the physical space widened, the mental connections didnt falter.

Marriage, relocation and motherhood has however made it not so easy to keep popping up unannounced in each other's vision. So, I slowly found myself at 30, a new mother in a new suburb, kid of abandoned - well, just a teensy-weensy bit, and the word is not abandonment - its more like everybody else is moving along and I'm still on the treadmill of life, running in the same place. Being very diffident about meeting new people, and abhoring the word 'net-working' makes it doubly hard to put myself out there.
When I do meet someone, I want to rush the getting to know each other phase, so we can cut the whole acquaintance coffee evenings and start the heavy drinking together asap. Which means I often put the girls through the Versova Inquisition - how did you come to live here? What borderline eating disorder do you have? Polka dots - subversive or regressive?

Lately its been better though with baby A, the social butterfly of Versova being my excuse to chat up other mothers - and while motherhood itself can provide endless source of ohmygods, suddenly somebody will mention a joint sneaked in while the baby's asleep and my ears perk up. Hmmm....... there is potential here. Versova is not such a wasteland after all.


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