
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Monday, January 21, 2008

There is a new study out that says humans crave violence, like we crave sex.

To quote the article:
Aggression is highly conserved in vertebrates in general and particularly in mammals," Kennedy told LiveScience. "Almost all mammals are aggressive in some way or another."
He added, "It serves a really useful evolutionary role probably, which is you defend territory; you defend your mate; if you're a female, you defend your offspring."
Even though it served a purpose for other animals, in modern human societies, Kennedy said, a propensity toward aggression is not beneficial and can be a problem
So, Gengis Khan good, Seung Hoi Cho, bad.

I'm sure this research was sponsored by the makers of HALO - it was always amazing to me why boys would want to play shoot-em-up games, but now I know. Its becos they cant get laid.


At 1/24/2008 05:34:00 AM , Blogger JustAGirl said...

hey nish, visited ur blog after a long while and was so pleased to see updates. good to kno baby's crawling and keeping u happy and busy.

and glad u r losing the weight u wanna lose. am sure u look fab. take care dear and keep posting. :)


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