
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bharat Ratna

And I shall also throw my hat in the ring and nominate my maid Indumasi for the Bharat-Ratna - for putting up with Amelia the infantwith the mostest!!! She has not had a full night's sleep in thelast 9 months... and she still dishes out poha with a big black-toothed smile every morning. plus she thinks i'm at my target weight already. How award-worthy is that!!

Amelia is now crawling and chasing chappals and dust-balls for the last three days and I've been chasing her before she eats the contents of the dust-bin... if this doesnt help me lose weight I'm joining an ashram with Madonna. We'll invite John also and discuss PETA.

I have a cheese tooth, not a sweet tooth - unless its cheesecake - a win-win situation - I went with the husband to HYPER last weekend and in my Jamie-Olivered frenzy bought six different types of cheese - goat, flavored gouda, mozarella, parmesan. I wanted to attempt to make ricotta gnocchi, but ricotta was unavailable and the alternative potato is a carby-no-no-item in this household, so the cheese are in the freezer. Till I saw Bourne Ultimatum where the bad guy orders heart healthy omlet with goat cheese - so I've been sneaking goat cheese into my brekky each morning. I mean its heart healthy right? And i have probably been stressing out my heart with all the running.


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