
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Education blues

I was totally psyched to enrol Amelia in this fancy-pants frenchie sounding play-school called L' ecole montessori - it is right in Laxmi Industrial Estate.
And I promised the two main teachers I would be back on the weekend when they had open house. But it never happened - the husband got this cloudy expression and went off into his school-was-such-a-waste-of-time rant, that I have heard time and time again and was very upset that I had intentions of feeding his preccious daughter to the bowels of the education system. So, there you have it - while other infants are going to music appreciation classes and being 'invited' to play school, my daughter says only tatatataa, and makes piggy faces.

Today I kept trying to get her to say mama - but she kept waving good-bye and babbled tatatata, a subtle hint that she wants to go for her first of many walks/ drives of the day. How do people manage little babies - nobody prepared me for this energetic bundle - I'm exhausted from running around her all day. And unlike her, I cannot just fall asleep on my play mat. Sigh, i have to supervise the bloody water-proofing work going on.


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