
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Amelia's fourth play-date

Before becominga mother - even now, the term doesnt quite seem to go with my crazy disorganised, procrastinating persona - I kinda thought play dates were when we went to the video parlour for a few rounds of road rash and had a cold coffee later with whoever crush of the moment was.

Anywaaaaaaaaaay, Amelia now has play dates. Where she acts like she';s playig road rash around somebody's innocent coffeetable and I have the cold coffee with other mummies, more organised than me. I even invited somebody on a play-date last week and procrastinated just before it took off - ah, well. Motherhood wasnt built in a day.

Playdate No.1 - Namrata's massive juhu lawns. Amelia grabs mekhala's lobvely loopy curls, screams her head off at Zian, and gets shoved by Vihaan. Meltdown in car on way home.
Playdate no 2. - Gayatri's toddler room - Amelia grab's Mekhala's lovely loopy curls, screams her head off at Zian, gets shoved by Vihaan, and grabs dolly from Kiara - progress.
Paydate no 3 - Lulu's place - Amelia thought she'd get the screaming out of the way and progress to the shoving. She woke Ruhi up with her trademark screech and then it was downhill all the way - Ruhi did all the pushing, shoving and screaming. dont think we are going back for a while now.


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