
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Amelia is two

I think I was waaay more excited planning for Amelia's second birthday than I ever felt for mine. But typical virgo that I am, i kind of enjoyed the whole planning more than the actual event - probably was trying to hold my breath in at all times, balancing on high heels for four hours and making sure everybody had a good time. But the amazing bit was how much Amelia enjoyed her own party - I've heard loads of stories of kids getting cranky and clingy on their birthdays what with all the loud noise and the strange faces - but Amelia had a big grin for all those who came bearing presents. And once the games started she was diong little thumbkin and desi girl with all the older kids.
I'm in such a constant state of awe and pride about Amelia, its a wonder my chest isnt any bigger. But sadly with dr dawre diet, there's not much action going on there. Makes me seriously wonder where the loaded skinny bitch at my gym shops for her workout bras.
16th April was Amelia's last day at school, and the husband finally came to the school for open house. We of course firmly belive we've given birth to a genius, so husband kept trying to ster the conversation towards how we can encourage more giftedness type behavious while I have my fingers crossed, since any such mind games will mean more time spent on it by moi. The husband ably directing from far - luckily the principle kept repeating that all children develop different skills at different levels and could only commit to Amelia being a sweet, obedient, generous child. Which makes me suspicious about whether we have a split personality here. She can be abslutoley infruriating at home with the terrible two tantrums and manipulitaveness.
Oh well, here's to many more joyful years of parenting. Cheers!!! this is my cue to get a strong drink.