
about development of peppercorn into a real baby.

Monday, June 25, 2007

tight t-shirts

you know how when you are poregnant and wear a tight t-shirt and stick your bump and its all sexy in a very i'm a mommy-to-be way.

And now, the same bloody t-shirt is stretched over a BUMPY!!!! not sexy at all............ joining shamak davar tomorrow - jump around with boys in tights. that is the dress code - boys in tights.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Two months and two days

I'm hoping the baby does not inherit husband's infamous procrastination trait - its hard because a lot of it has rubbed off on to me.... like i meant to write about chotu becoming two months old and its already two days late... that's like 10%late.

So, now she does more than just sticks her tongue out at the world. She also smiles a lot, especially when we change her out of a wet diaper, or give her a massage, or a god burping preceded by a verrrrrry good feed.
When she wants to be picked up, she does this whole flirtatious tilt head to a side, give a big toothless grin and be like i'm so cute, pick me up and find out for yourself!!!!
Of course, she has also learnt to throw tantrums from hell if her meals are not right when she wants it. She cant be kept waiting for even a minute - now I KNOW this impatience is from me, heh!!

The thing about being a mother and this whole feeding bit - I kind of got used to the fact that there is zero privace when people keep barging in without an excuse me while feeding - but why is everybody obsessed with the breast milk - today one annoying auntyji was all like so, is your milk enough for baby and i soooo wanted to be like why??? do u want some too??? WTF! though i was warned about all this by my adorable obgyn, who i swear i love even though i had to wait an hour to see him at every check up. I've never had a doctor so practical and calm before. My preggerhood was a breeze thanks to him.

And while a month ago, i actually waited for the day to end, so i could grab some shut eye since chotu doesnt sleep at all during the day (completely disregarding our agreement in-utero, how very chinmulgund of her) now its more regular, i dont stress over boob versus bottle and ignore all the annoying girlfreinds who insist i should feel nothing but overwhelming lurve at this time. So, this motherhood thing is growing on me and i love it more and more with every naughty smile my chotu gives. And i also love the whole not going to work bit and stressing abouit yarn deliveries and shipment schedules too. HEH!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

how to get skinny again

so you know how everybody was buzzing about how Heidi Klum, lost all her weight and got into diamond encrusted thong 3 months after she had a baby??? So i went to this website called the skinny website which has all these celeb mothers who give their weight loss secrets and Gwynth paltrow said breast feeding melts away the pounds and she lost 1 lb a day breast feeding - and i'm like ummmm, was that between hour 3 and hour4 of your workout. becos no, breast feeding making you lose weight is like an urban legend. unless i'm doing it wrong!!!!!!!!

i actually feel fatter oh wait no, its just becos my tummy is smaller (marginally)and i can finally see my big fat hips!!!!!!!! so we 'glow' during our pregnancy and are just plain fat afterwards and dont let no celebrities tell u otherwise.

i've been hitting the treadmill and asking husband am i any thinner? huh? huh? every evening and he's like erm, since when? morning - no, no improvement.


Friday, June 08, 2007

Sleep deprivation i can deal with........ its the alcohol deprivation thats hard.

I dont think alcohol should be banned - it would make two-month old's howling temper tantrums a lot more bearable... and enough alcohol would also help make those memmories blurry enough.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Its raining maids!!!

so, finally i intend to move out of the warm, dog-drool, dog-hair, dog-tick infested nest of my maternal home and into my apartment - which is still littered with cartons that the catties are freaking over because they play hide and seek. except they all want to hidem, nobody wants to seek - which leads to a lot of heads popping out of cartons simultaneously going, now why isnt anybody trying to find me??? miaow????

And this move is possible because i finally have a day-maid - YAY!!! and i convinced the night maid to stay for the day also - double YAY!!!! stupid americans who want to wing it by themselves and then they wonder why they have PPD and not wonderful long deep-friend chinese lunches with their girlfrends. with honey noodle and ice-cream afterwards!!!

so, i shall move - today chotu has been surprisingly sleepy. its 2 in the afternoon - mst days i've already have narrowed eyes and steaming ears trying to get her to sleep - but she's asleep all by herself, with no beer-infected breast-milk either (thats my plan B). curiouser and curiouser.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Name is here!!!

We finally have a name - baby chotu chinmulgund is now Amelia. Name provided by fartface's girlfriend. (fartface being my lovable and loving brother Adoo).

It was a nightmare of a one and a half months thinking of a name becos i loved Ananya and husband hated it - i think this whole baby thing has made me soft, becos i would never have given in to him earlier. And he said he would spell it Ununya - and fartface said oh, she'll be called Uno the card game in school. Then i came up with Soraiya but firstly her maid didnt get it and called her simi!!!!!!!! eck!! and everyone went oh, its so muslimy and it reminds them of a nasal black and white movie singer. the movies are black and white, not the singer - i think singer is a nice wheatish, like the rest of us. I wouldnt know, because i never watched black and white hindi movies. I just watched Pirates of the Carribean, and it is in colour and it rocks. except of course for the whole bloom knitley romance bit which has no place in a apirates movie i think.

soooooo, anyway Amelia seems most pretty and invoking neutral reactions. Of course my mother is slightly upset because she was rootring for samika - shall get her Biba kurti as consolation prize in also-ran category of names i think.